
Notice Of Record Date And Dividend Payment Date

BackApr 14, 2021
Announcement Title Cash Dividend/ Distribution
Date & Time of Broadcast Apr 14, 2021 23:59
Status New
Corporate Action Reference SG210414DVCA4YG2
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Marat Devlet-Kildeyev
Designation Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
Dividend/ Distribution Number Not Applicable
Dividend/ Distribution Type Final
Financial Year End 31/12/2020
Declared Dividend/ Distribution Rate (Per Share/ Unit) SGD 0.011574
Event Narrative
Narrative Type Narrative Text
Additional Text The full amount above under "Declared Dividend/Distribution Rate (Per Share/Unit)" should be SGD0.01157363 and it was auto round up to SGD0.011574 (being the maximum of 6 decimal)
Event Dates
Record Date and Time 10/05/2021 17:00:00
Ex Date 07/05/2021
Dividend Details
Payment Type Tax Exempted (1-tier)
Gross Rate (Per Share) SGD 0.011574
Net Rate (Per Share) SGD 0.011574
Pay Date 18/05/2021
Gross Rate Status Actual Rate

Applicable for REITs/ Business Trusts/ Stapled Securities


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